Riesgos cardiovasculares en transgéneros: Revisión de literatura

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Matheus Loureiro Sebastião
Camila de Melo Accardo


Objective: To identify and analyzing scientific production on cardiovascular problems in transgender people in use of hormones, performing a critical analysis of the literature, highlighting the most pertinent points about health conditions in this population. Methods: This is a integrative review with comprises exploratory characteristics, qualitative, it was used to selecting articles in three databases: EBSCO, SciELO and PubMed. Results: The literature converges to the risk of thromboembolic events when the theme is the use of estrogen, mainly about recommendation of oral use. However, they do not point to a clinical increase in cardiovascular risk in XY individuals who use estrogen. Regarding the use of testosterone in XX individuals, most studies analyzed concluded that there is no association between the use of testosterone and the increase in cardiovascular risks. GnRH agonists seem to have important cardiovascular implications, but with few studies available. Socioeconomic analyzes and other cardiovascular risk behavioral aspects found seem to have more importance, such as the use of tobacco, alcohol, and stressful living conditions. Conclusion: The use of hormones in transsexual people seems to be recommended, respecting the principle of beneficence. However, present study suffers losses because it depends on the quality of the analyzed articles, but even with limited results it succeeds in analyzing that the health-disease process depends much more on basic aspects of public health and health education.

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How to Cite
SebastiãoM. L., & AccardoC. de M. (2021). Riesgos cardiovasculares en transgéneros: Revisión de literatura. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(1), e5389. https://doi.org/10.25248/reas.e5389.2021
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