Singular therapeutic project (PTS): instrument of care to the subject in psychic suffering

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Carlos Augusto Oliveira
Francisca Cláudia Azevedo Fonseca
Jéssica Costa do Carmo
Kathleen Kaliandra Lima Braga
Marcela Fernandes de Lima
Maxima Cristina de Oliveira Mamed
Rafaela Larissa Tavares do Vale
Regina Oliveira Magalhães
Suelen Suzy Gomes Baptista
Graciana de Sousa Lopes


Objective: To describe the welcoming behaviors related to the PTS. Methods: This is a qualitative descriptive exploratory research of the type integrative literature review, the data were collected in the virtual libraries Latin American and Caribbean Literature (LILACS), Virtual Health Library (VHL) and Scientific Electronic Library (SCIELO), including articles published in the last 10 years from 2009 to 2019. Results: From the content analysis of the materials collected in order to answer the research questions, the following thematic categories emerged: a) PTS: protagonism tool; b) Actions that provide autonomy, which show the importance of PTS for the treatment and autonomy of the user in psychological distress, and how it can help in carrying out actions that provide quality of life and reinsertion of the individual in society, the study also shows how much support, family presence and the bond between all those involved are important, so that results can be achieved through trust. Final Considerations: It is important for the team to plan actions that involve the family in the treatment, with a focus on autonomy and conflict reduction.

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How to Cite
OliveiraC. A., FonsecaF. C. A., do CarmoJ. C., BragaK. K. L., de LimaM. F., MamedM. C. de O., do ValeR. L. T., MagalhãesR. O., BaptistaS. S. G., & LopesG. de S. (2021). Singular therapeutic project (PTS): instrument of care to the subject in psychic suffering. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(2), e5709.
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