Covid-19 prevention and control measures: integrative review

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Karla Hellen Dias Soares
Luana da Silva Oliveira
Renata Karolaine Flor da Silva
Dayanne Caroline de Assis Silva
Ariany Cristine do Nascimento Farias
Estela Maria Leite Meirelles Monteiro
Milton Cezar Compagnon


Objective: To analyze the scientific evidence available in the literature on the prevention and control measures of COVID-19. Methods: This is an integrative review of articles published in Portuguese, English or Spanish, from the year 2020, in the libraries/databases Virtual Health Library (VHL) and Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE/Pubmed), being the final sample consisting of 08 articles. The guiding question was: What are the prevention and control measures of COVID-19? Results: From the search for studies through double and triple crossings, 2,246 articles were found, among these, 08 articles were selected that corresponded to the study theme, these were divided into two classes: 1 - The influence or perception of users in relation to COVID-19 prevention measures from digital media and 2 - COVID-19 prevention and control measures applied by health management. Final Considerations: It appears that, since the pandemic was triggered by an emerging pathology, still with incipient studies, it contributed to the dissemination of sometimes conflicting information by the legal representatives themselves, generating incredulity and insecurity of the population to adhere to health measures. 

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How to Cite
SoaresK. H. D., OliveiraL. da S., da SilvaR. K. F., SilvaD. C. de A., FariasA. C. do N., MonteiroE. M. L. M., & CompagnonM. C. (2021). Covid-19 prevention and control measures: integrative review. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(2), e6071.
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