Previous aesthetic intervention using direct facets in composite resin: case report

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Aurélio de Oliveira Rocha
Lucas Menezes dos Anjos
Maria de Nazaré Oliveira Rocha
Thaine Oliveira Lima
Priscilla Castro Moura Rodrigues
Lucas Ferreira de Sá Santos
Rafaela de Menezes dos Anjos Santos
Ingrid de Melo Silva
Denílson Oliveira Correia da Silva
William José e Silva Filho


Objective: To describe a clinical case of restorative intervention in upper anterior dental units with composite resin veneers and to discuss this treatment. Case details: The patient sought care at the dental office complaining about the harmony of his smile, where he did not like his yellow, small, separated and slightly misaligned teeth. Clinical examination revealed the presence of interdental diastemas, units 12 and 22 with conoid anatomy and units 13 and 23 slightly rotated to the distal. In view of the patient's clinical limitations, aesthetic and functional rehabilitation of the units was proposed by means of immediate dental whitening in the office, followed by facets in composite resin from the reported units. Prior to the restorative treatment, diagnostic waxing was performed to show a possible result, to plan safely and to prepare the palatal guide. Final considerations: To perform multiple aesthetic restorations, theoretical and practical knowledge on the part of the dentist is of paramount importance, meticulous planning of the case through diagnostic waxing and post-operative care by the patient, thus guaranteeing the success of this treatment.

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How to Cite
RochaA. de O., dos AnjosL. M., RochaM. de N. O., LimaT. O., RodriguesP. C. M., SantosL. F. de S., SantosR. de M. dos A., SilvaI. de M., da SilvaD. O. C., & FilhoW. J. e S. (2021). Previous aesthetic intervention using direct facets in composite resin: case report. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(3), e6439.
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