Epidemiological profile of infect-contagious hepatitis in the state of Pará

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Diana do Vale Leão
Rosangela Jaques Belém
Kamila Veras Almeida
Vera Lúcia Ribeiro dos Reis
Herald Souza dos Reis
Fabiolla da Silva dos Santos


Objective: Analyze and discuss infectious and contagious hepatitis data to better comprehend the disease setting in the state of Pará. Methods: Data from the Boletim de Hepatites Virais/2020 and DATASUS from infectious hepatitis B, C, and D in Pará between 2009-2018 were analyzed. The number of incidences, deaths, and affected groups (race, sex, age group, and mechanisms of infection) were analyzed. Results: The confirmed cases numbers of hepatitis B and C continue increasing over time. HBV has the highest case numbers. HCV is the most contagious infectious hepatitis.  Among the groups affected for both hepatitis, the most affected race was 'pardo' and in the age groups were 20 to 39 and 40 to 59 years old. Among the male and female genders, only HCV affected more a gender, being more prevalent in men. The transmission mechanism of greatest expression was sexual (HBV/HCV) and water (HDV). Conclusion: The transmission of viral hepatitis in the state of Pará continues to increase over time. Strategies are needed to decrease the number of people infected, especially in the most affected groups.

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How to Cite
LeãoD. do V., BelémR. J., AlmeidaK. V., dos ReisV. L. R., dos ReisH. S., & dos SantosF. da S. (2021). Epidemiological profile of infect-contagious hepatitis in the state of Pará. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(4), e6790. https://doi.org/10.25248/reas.e6790.2021
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