Beta blockers therapy in patients after myocardial infarctions and its benefits

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Brenda Isabelle Flamia
Antony Rocha Porfírio
Eduarda Pinheiro De Nadai
Késia Martins da Cunha
Laís Rodrigues de Souza
Leonardo Melhado Ziroldo
Mateus Figueiredo Braga
Nathany Dayrell Ferreira
Rícia Medeiros Palmeira de Araujo
Valter Kuymjian


Objective: Analyze the aspects of beta-adrenergic blocker therapy in patients after myocardial infarction and its benefits. Bibliographic review: Beta-adrenergic blocking drugs, called beta-blockers, have been used to treat acute myocardial infarction for a decade. They are widely used and show satisfactory results reducing mortality in patients after acute myocardial infarction in the preperfusion period. However, with the development and emergence of primary percutaneous intervention therapy (PCI), there is no indicator that can verify the efficacy of beta-blocker treatment duration after acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Final considerations: The use of betablockers after acute myocardial infarction is an essential and well-established approach, while the choice for long or short term therapy is the focus of many studies and remains controversial, despite that, demonstrate reduced mortality after myocardial infarction when the use of beta-blockers is done in short term therapies.

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How to Cite
FlamiaB. I., PorfírioA. R., De NadaiE. P., da CunhaK. M., de SouzaL. R., ZiroldoL. M., BragaM. F., FerreiraN. D., de AraujoR. M. P., & KuymjianV. (2021). Beta blockers therapy in patients after myocardial infarctions and its benefits. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(4), e6877.
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