Cardiovascular repercussions of the use of SGLT2 inhibitors in patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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Thaiz Geovana Bezerra
Ana Luiza Gomes Gonçalves
Andrezza Mendes Franco
Bruna Araújo Rossi
Gabriela Aparecida Schiefler Gazzoni
Marcella Lourenço Winter
Mariana Oshiro Marques
Sophia Bark
Vinícius Sippel Cruz
Rachel Cardoso Lopes Rêgo


Objective: To evaluate the cardiovascular effects of Sodium-Glucose Transporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) and establish their benefits in relation to patients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Bibliographic review: Patients with DM have a greater predisposition to cardiovascular events due to the oxidative stress in this sistem from the metabolic alterations present in this pathology. SGLT2 inhibitory drugs present renal action by preventing SGLT2 transporters in the kidney from reabsorbing tubular glucose. Studies reveal clinical benefits of its use in diabetic patients, measured by decreasing hospitalizations for heart failure and the occurrence of disorders like heart attacks, when compared with other hypoglycemic therapies. In addition, they help prevent kidney disorders, such as glomerular damage caused by hyperglycemia, and reduce body mass, another aspect that contributes to the prevention of circulatory disorders. On the other hand, they have adverse effects, which should be taken into account when opting for a therapy using SGLT2i-based drugs on patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Final considerations: SGLT2 inhibitors are effective drugs in the treatment of DM2 and have an important contribution in the prevention and / or control of cardiovascular and renal diseases and their clinical repercussions.

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How to Cite
BezerraT. G., GonçalvesA. L. G., FrancoA. M., RossiB. A., GazzoniG. A. S., WinterM. L., MarquesM. O., BarkS., CruzV. S., & RêgoR. C. L. (2021). Cardiovascular repercussions of the use of SGLT2 inhibitors in patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(5), e6890.
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