Mental health and quality of life of students from Brazilian medical schools: a literature integrative

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Giulia Machado Caldeira Ardisson
Rafaela de Oliveira Andrade
Alexandre Vazzoler Andrião
Aline Cristina Mafra
Maria Carmela Kneip Lopes Fonseca
Mateus Gonçalves Amâncio
Tauane Larissa Menão
Maria José Guedes Gondim Almeida


Objective: To discuss the mental health of Brazilian medical students, to identify risk factors and the role of medical schools. Methods: The research was carried out through the platforms PubMed, LILACS and Scielo, using descriptors associated with the mental health of medical students. Access occurred between October and December 2020. Fifty three articles were selected according to the following criteria: articles published from 2014, transversal or longitudinal, which evaluated Brazilian medical students regarding mental health. Among these, 34 articles were excluded because they were not directly linked to the central theme. Results: Medical students show worse psychosocial well-being than other young people in general. There is a high prevalence of disorders such as depression, anxiety, stress, burnout syndrome and substance abuse. Among the risk factors, women are considered a vulnerable group. Regarding living alone, the results found were divergent. Furthermore, there is a relationship between the course curriculum and mental health and quality of life. Regarding the learning method, students prefer active learning. Final considerations: Several factors involved in medical education directly influence the mental health and quality of life of academics. Therefore, it is important to establish support measures and mechanisms for this group.

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How to Cite
ArdissonG. M. C., AndradeR. de O., AndriãoA. V., MafraA. C., FonsecaM. C. K. L., AmâncioM. G., MenãoT. L., & AlmeidaM. J. G. G. (2021). Mental health and quality of life of students from Brazilian medical schools: a literature integrative. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(6), e6953.
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