Self-image and the relationship with women's sexual life

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Nathalia Jung Ferreira Malta
Maria Elisa Wotzasek Cestari
Rosely Jung Pisicchio
Keli Regiane Tomeleri da Fonseca Pinto
Fabiana Fontana Medeiros


Objective: To identify the relationship between female self-image and sexual activity and sexual pleasure. Methods: This is a descriptive study, with a qualitative approach. The data were analyzed using the Content Analysis technique, proposed by Bardin. Results: Body image was understood as the body construction perceived by women. Some women idealized the body as a young body with a media standard. Feeling of suffering in relation to other people's perception of a body outside the cultural standards established by society and the difficulty in finding clothes manufactured for women overweight considered appropriate and appropriate modeling. The relationship between self-image and sexual activity and sexual pleasure, the participants mentioned shame about their body, interfering in their sexual relationship. Conclusion: The present study showed that the body reveals not only structural components, but also social, psychological, cultural and sexual factors that acquire uniqueness. Finally, body patterns and their relationship with sexual life are modulated in each season and will always be in motion, being a challenge for the promotion of women's health.

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How to Cite
MaltaN. J. F., CestariM. E. W., PisicchioR. J., PintoK. R. T. da F., & MedeirosF. F. (2021). Self-image and the relationship with women’s sexual life. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(5), e7011.
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