Maternal self-efficiency in premature newborn care: use of the brainstorming technique

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Nalma Alexandra Rocha de Carvalho Poty
Silvana Santiago da Rocha
Raiana Soares de Sousa e Silva
Damila Rufino de Holanda e Silva
Roama Paulo Ulisses Vaz da Costa
Joaquim Guerra de Oliveira Neto
Bárbara de Jesus Cunha da Silva
Kassya Fernanda Freire
Jéssica de Moura Caminha
Shelma Feitosa dos Santos


Objective: To raise the main difficulties regarding the care of premature newborns after hospital discharge, through a situational diagnosis, using the brainstorming technique to gather information. Methods: This is a descriptive research with a qualitative characteristic, using the brainstorming technique for data collection to raise the main difficulties regarding the care of premature newborns after hospital discharge. The research period was May 2019. Results: When questioning mothers about home care after the discharge of their premature child, feelings of joy initially arose, in some moments feelings of fear in relation to the care and fragility of the child, in this way the joy was mixed with the fear of taking care of the premature child at home. The result of this brainstorming generated responses that involved several axes of care, these related to hygiene, food, growth and development, routine care, special care, disease prevention and vaccines. Conclusion: It was also evidenced that the period of discharge of the premature baby for mothers is permeated with multiple feelings such as anguish, fragilities, insecurity, fears and challenges. In this sense, health professionals have a fundamental role in building the link between mothers and babies, seeking to build autonomy for maternal care at home after hospital discharge.

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How to Cite
PotyN. A. R. de C., RochaS. S. da, SilvaR. S. de S. e, SilvaD. R. de H. e, CostaR. P. U. V. da, NetoJ. G. de O., SilvaB. de J. C. da, FreireK. F., CaminhaJ. de M., & SantosS. F. dos. (2021). Maternal self-efficiency in premature newborn care: use of the brainstorming technique. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(5), e7121.
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