Colorectal câncer: the importance of early screening

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Yasmin dos Santos Felisberto
Cinara Dourado Pereira Correia Santos
Poliana Terra Pires Ribeiro Coelho Caires
Ana Carolina de Oliveira Bitencourt
Ana Virgínia Figueira Dubois Mendes
João Matheus Barbosa de Lima Pinho
Rosy Aline Lopes de Oliveira
Beatriz Tianeze de Castro
Paula Mendes Ribeiro e Oliveira
Julia Menezes Santos


Objective: To review and reflect on the importance of performing colorectal cancer screening tests (CCR). Bibliographic review: CCR is a neoplasm that affects the large intestine, being responsible for increasing numbers of deaths in Western countries. In this scenario, in Brazil, with the exception of non-melanoma skin cancer, this malignant neoplasm has a high incidence, being the second most prevalent type of cancer in women and the third most prevalent in men. Most tumors are sporadic and can be prevented by primary prevention through a balanced diet and regular physical activity. In addition, in this context, secondary prevention is highlighted, since the use of screening tests and campaigns aimed at early identification are essential tools to prevent the progression of the disease following adenoma-carcinoma. Final considerations: Despite the high incidence in the country, CCR is a curable disease when detected in the early stages. Thus, developing new studies on research, diagnosis and screening methods, seeking professional improvement and establishing efficient public policies on efficiency that cover secondary prevention are provided without combating silent disease.

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How to Cite
FelisbertoY. dos S., SantosC. D. P. C., CairesP. T. P. R. C., BitencourtA. C. de O., MendesA. V. F. D., PinhoJ. M. B. de L., de OliveiraR. A. L., de CastroB. T., e OliveiraP. M. R., & SantosJ. M. (2021). Colorectal câncer: the importance of early screening. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(4), e7130.
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