Academic nursing experience in regard to the vaccination campaign to combat the pandemic of COVID-19

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Nábia Pereira Pedreira
Núbia Pereira Pedreira
Rayssa Silva Lima
Letícia Amaral Cunha
Eduarda Pastana dos Santos
Paula Fabiane da Rocha Nobre
Heloisa Helena Souto Vital
Douglas do Nascimento Galvão
Leonardo Carvalho da Silva
Elian Coimbra Fontinelli Tavares


Objective: Describe the experience of nursing academics experienced during the vaccination campaign against the pandemic of the new Coronavirus. Experience report: This is an experience report of the descriptive type with a qualitative approach, regarding the COVID-19 vaccination campaign of the priority group of the elderly during the pandemic period, developed by nursing academics from a Federal Public University located in the city of Belém, in the state of Pará, carried out in March 2021. The action was carried out through the Municipal Health Secretariat (SESMA) of the municipality and coordinated by a nurse from the same institution. The campaign started with the age group of 84 years or older from the corresponding group. Final considerations: Through the experience of the vaccination campaign against COVID-19, it was possible to realize the importance of vaccination for society and the main role that nursing plays in the vaccination campaign, besides the experience acquired as academics and future nurses.

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How to Cite
PedreiraN. P., PedreiraN. P., LimaR. S., CunhaL. A., SantosE. P. dos, NobreP. F. da R., VitalH. H. S., GalvãoD. do N., SilvaL. C. da, & TavaresE. C. F. (2021). Academic nursing experience in regard to the vaccination campaign to combat the pandemic of COVID-19. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(5), e7326.
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