Nursing care provided to ostomized patients in the perioperative period

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Wendy Larissa Costa da Silva
Maíra Gonçalves de Melo
Neuza Alves Cardoso
Ana Cléo Borges Maia
Antonio Carlos dos Santos Firmiano
Larissa dos Santos Matos
Aline Priscila Rodrigues Mineiro
Kleyton dos Santos Tavares
Safira Rayme Albuquerque Costa
Alexia Eduarda Pantoja da Costa


Objective: To identify the nursing interventions provided to ostomized patients in the perioperative period in scientific literature. Methods: This is a literature review, using original and review articles, in Portuguese, published between 2015 and 2020, obtained through collections in the following databases Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), Latin American Literature and Caribbean in Health Sciences (LILACS) and ACERVO+ from January to June 2020. Results: It was observed that ostomized patients need information regarding physical, psychological and social care. Thus, the nurse enters as an essential tool in the planning of care for these patients, which includes care from diagnosis (preoperative phase) to preparation for hospital discharge (postoperative phase). Final considerations: So it is necessary to develop new research that addresses the effectiveness of this care provided to ostomized patients, aiming at improving knowledge that directly influences an appropriate practice in pre, trans and postoperative care.

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How to Cite
da SilvaW. L. C., de MeloM. G., CardosoN. A., MaiaA. C. B., FirmianoA. C. dos S., MatosL. dos S., MineiroA. P. R., TavaresK. dos S., CostaS. R. A., & da CostaA. E. P. (2021). Nursing care provided to ostomized patients in the perioperative period. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(5), e7450.
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