Experiences of people undergoing bariatric surgery: an empirical basis for nursing care

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Rafaella Martins Freitas Rocha
Igho Leonardo do Nascimento Carvalho
Erisonval Saraiva da Silva
Ana Lívia Castelo Branco de Oliveira
Nuno Damácio de Carvalho Félix
Ingrid Moura de Abreu
Amanda Vieira Sarmento
Ellen Karem Rodrigues da Silva
Aberlam da Silva
Pâmela Pereira Lima


Objective: To structure a nursing care plan by analyzing the experiences of people in the late postoperative period of bariatric surgery. Methods: This is a descriptive research conducted with 12 participants, in two stages with specific approaches: qualitative analysis of the participants' discourse; and methodological for the construction of the nursing care plan. Results: Patients undergoing bariatric surgery have as main difficulties adapting to the new lifestyle and body changes, while the most significant aspects are the recovery of self-esteem and improvement of body self-image. It was also noted the absence and the huge potential for the performance of professional nurses. Conclusion: Professional nurses should monitor patients undergoing bariatric surgery through a structured care plan, which has the potential to optimize lifestyle changes and promote quality of life, increasing the success rate of the procedure.

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How to Cite
RochaR. M. F., CarvalhoI. L. do N., SilvaE. S. da, OliveiraA. L. C. B. de, FélixN. D. de C., AbreuI. M. de, SarmentoA. V., SilvaE. K. R. da, SilvaA. da, & LimaP. P. (2021). Experiences of people undergoing bariatric surgery: an empirical basis for nursing care. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(5), e7495. https://doi.org/10.25248/reas.e7495.2021
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