Prevalence of Burnout syndrome in resident physicians of a teaching hospital

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Deborah Holanda da Silva Brayde
Tanise Nazaré Maia Costa


Objective: This study is aimed to identify the prevalence of burnout syndrome in medical residents from Ophir Loyola Hospital. Methods: It is a quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study. A questionnaire composed by 30 questions was used, 8 with questions about the socio-demographic profile focused on the studied population and 22 questions taken from the validated Portuguese version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). The descriptive method was used to analyze the statistics about data. The research was submitted to the Ethics Committee in Research and approved, by the opinion 2,473,827. Results: As a result, a profile was obtained by women, ranging from 25 to 29 years of age, who were single, coming from public schools and from the state of Pará, having as their source of income the residence scholarship and external shifts, attending the second year of residence and rarely practice leisure activities. Conclusion: The prevalence of burnout syndrome was 6.4%, with a high level of emotional exhaustion, low level of professional achievement and high level of depersonalization.

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How to Cite
BraydeD. H. da S., & Maia CostaT. N. (2019). Prevalence of Burnout syndrome in resident physicians of a teaching hospital. Electronic Journal Collection Health, (24), e758.
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