Dialogue exhibition lesson: a report about this approach in a pink october campaign

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Catarina Maria Nogueira de Oliveira Sediyama
Mariana de Moura e Dias
Érica Toledo de Mendonça
Pedro Alexandre Henrique Pedretti
Diego Henrique Silveira Ramos
Emanoela Guimarães de Castro


Objective: To evaluate the contribution potential of the expository class discussed in the consolidation of knowledge about breast cancer among professionals who work in health areas of the hospital network. Experience report: There was a lecture and a practical activity with health professionals, with the application of a questionnaire with specific questions about breast cancer before and after the event. In both activities, the dialogue lecture methodology was used, in order to listen to the participants, encouraging them to build knowledge based on their previous experiences. It was observed that the professionals' prior knowledge mainly involves the themes of protective factors and early diagnosis. After the intervention, there was knowledge construction on the part of the students, given that there was a greater accuracy of the questions, highlighting the significant increase in accuracy in relation to knowledge about the risk factors of CM. Final considerations: The methodology used was effective for the construction of knowledge of health professionals, which is fundamental for the formation of more humane professionals, more attentive to the early diagnosis of breast cancer.

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How to Cite
SediyamaC. M. N. de O., DiasM. de M. e, Mendonça Érica T. de, PedrettiP. A. H., RamosD. H. S., & CastroE. G. de. (2021). Dialogue exhibition lesson: a report about this approach in a pink october campaign. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(5), e7718. https://doi.org/10.25248/reas.e7718.2021
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