Vaccination status of medical students and faculty members

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Aléxia Alves Cabral
Cecília Pereira Silva
Fernanda del Carlo Cândido
Igor Dutra Braz
Izabella dos Santos Gomes
Júlia de Castro Faria
Júlio Cesar Goulart Fonseca


Objectives: To analyze the student's and professor's vaccinal situation of a medical course. Methods: It is a transversal and quantitative research, done in 2019, which aimed to identify if preconized vaccines of Programa Nacional de Imunização (PNI) were administered or not. The data was obtained through a questionnaire applied to professors and students from the 1st to the 12th period, under CAAE 08246918.1.0000.5237. Posteriorly, it was done an inferential and comparative analysis with literature and vaccinal data from previous research done in 2014, at the same institution, that evaluated vaccination for hepatitis B, dT, varicella, influenza, and HPV. Results: Despite the rise in vaccination of students from 2014 to 2019, most of PNI coverage goals were not reached in 2019. As a result, it is necessary to maintain the incentives for vaccination in the health sector since the sample is constituted of a high-risk group of infectious contagious diseases. Conclusion: The implementation of an action plan for the exigence of the updated vaccinal chart as a prerequisite for registration of medical students must be considered. It is expected that it would reinforce the relevance of vaccination for diseases that are preventable through immunization.

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How to Cite
CabralA. A., SilvaC. P., CândidoF. del C., BrazI. D., GomesI. dos S., FariaJ. de C., & FonsecaJ. C. G. (2021). Vaccination status of medical students and faculty members. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(8), e8277.
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