Experience of academic monitoring in the discipline of human parasitology

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Teodoro Marcelino da Silva
Rosely Leyliane dos Santos
Ingrid Mikaela Moreira de Oliveira
José Geraldo de Alencar Santos Júnior
Natália Bastos Ferreira Tavares
Moziane Mendonça de Araújo
Mariana Andrade de Freitas
Polyana Amorim Cruz Nascimento
Thamara Caroline Cardoso de Melo
Renyvan Souza dos Santos


Objective: To report the experience of academic monitoring in the discipline of human parasitology. Experience report: The study is descriptive, arising from the experiences acquired in the academic monitoring of the discipline of human parasitology at a Public University of Ceará. The monitoring took place weekly and had as participants, the students of the third semester of the nursing course at the aforementioned university. The insertion in academic monitoring was a unique experience and of fundamental importance, as it contributed positively to the teaching-learning process of the students being monitored; provided pedagogical support; the clarification of doubts; youth protagonism; academic-professional growth and the development of technical and behavioral skills and competences both for future care activities and for teaching. Final considerations: Given this, university monitoring stood out as a relevant and beneficial activity, as it contributed to the teaching-learning process of assisted students and monitors; and in the improvement of theoretical and practical skills necessary for future professional practice. Therefore, it is recommended to continue the implementation of academic monitoring programs in undergraduate courses in the health area, especially in nursing courses, as well as the development of new studies in this area.

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SilvaT. M. da, SantosR. L. dos, OliveiraI. M. M. de, JúniorJ. G. de A. S., TavaresN. B. F., AraújoM. M. de, FreitasM. A. de, NascimentoP. A. C., MeloT. C. C. de, & SantosR. S. dos. (2021). Experience of academic monitoring in the discipline of human parasitology. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(7), e8289. https://doi.org/10.25248/reas.e8289.2021
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