The view of the nursing graduate as to his performance in the labor market of the Unified Health System

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Hulda Alves de Araújo Tenório
Divanise Suruagy Correia
Alda Galdino dos Santos
Emilly Souza Marques
Esvaldo dos Santos Silva
Douglas de Oliveira Subrinho


Objective: To analyze the view of nursing graduates as to his performance in the work Market of the Unified Health system. Methods: This is an analytical and cross-sectional study and has a quantitative approach, carried out with 150 nursing undergraduates from a private college in Alagoas. Data were collected and tabulated in a Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet and analyzed in Statistical Package for Social Science - SPSS®, version 20 software. Results: The students presented the average age of 27 years, 82% of them positivam satisfaction as their academic formation. It is worth mentioning the desire of 96.7% of the students to experience a higher education experience during the SUS graduation, with 57.3% affirming the interest in an elective subject of practical content of collective health and the Family Health Strategy. The odds ratio of 3.69 shows that the student who had some teaching experience in disciplines in the SUS is 3.69 times more likely to be able to perform activities with other health professionals than the student who did not obtain this experience in the SUS. Conclusion: Thus, the inclusion of nursing students in the fields of Nursing in the SUS, seems to provide, to the future egress, a better perspective of work in the labor Market.

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How to Cite
TenórioH. A. de A., CorreiaD. S., SantosA. G. dos, MarquesE. S., SilvaE. dos S., & SubrinhoD. de O. (2019). The view of the nursing graduate as to his performance in the labor market of the Unified Health System. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 11(13), e841.
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