Production of teaching material during the Covid-19 pandemic: correlation between anatomy and clinical procedures

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João Lucas Nunes de Moura
Breno Alcará Ferreira
Guilherme Okoti de Melo
Ligia Harumi Vilela Bartnick Tanaka
Giovana Geraldini Chermont
Flávio de Paula Moraes
Luana Rossato
Silvia Cristina Figueira Olinto


Objective: To describe the steps for the production of anatomoclinical teaching material by medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic period. Experience report: The teaching material correlated reference points and/or access routes of anatomical structures addressed in the 1st semester of the medical course with the context of medical medical practices. The preparation of the material involved two steps: 1st: review of the theoretical-practical Anatomy I, 2nd: selection of cadaveric images, scientific articles, clinical cases and questions related to each surgical procedure of the methods: head, neck, chest, upper limbs and lower. The production of the teaching material generated a theoretical-practical booklet with descriptions of each procedure, sequential images with captions of the reference regions or access routes for carrying out the procedure or surgical technique, clinical cases with guiding questions about the procedure and/or anatomical structure. Final considerations: The didactic material developed will complement the theoretical-practical studies of the Human and Surgical Anatomy discipline, providing in a single material correlation of the Anatomy science with the future practice of the medical professional.

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How to Cite
MouraJ. L. N. de, FerreiraB. A., MeloG. O. de, TanakaL. H. V. B., ChermontG. G., MoraesF. de P., RossatoL., & OlintoS. C. F. (2021). Production of teaching material during the Covid-19 pandemic: correlation between anatomy and clinical procedures. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(8), e8623.
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