Vitamin E: role in modulating the immune system and covid-19

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Maísa Guimarães Silva Primo
Liriane Andressa Alves da Silva
Vanessa Brito Lira de Carvalho
Vitória Ribeiro Mendes
Amanda Suellenn da Silva Santos Oliveira
Maria do Carmo de Carvalho e Martins


Objective: To describe the role of vitamin E as an immunomodulatory agent and a possible role in the prevention and management of COVID-19. Bibliographic review: Viral infections such as COVID-19 affect the respiratory system, causing severe acute respiratory syndrome and even death. There is no specific treatment for the infection produced by the virus and it is essential to have a good nutritional status with the strengthening of the immune system. The participation of vitamin E in the immune response is related to the modulation of T cell differentiation, natural killer cell activity and prostaglandin production. In COVID-19, this vitamin can act to reduce the production of cytokines and improve the proliferation of T cells, since, due to the pathophysiology of this disease, there is an increase in the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines that can be minimized by the action of the vitamin E. Final considerations: The role of vitamin E in COVID-19 is not well understood, however it is believed that adequate food intake and serum concentrations may have the potential to act in prevention or treatment.

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How to Cite
PrimoM. G. S., SilvaL. A. A. da, CarvalhoV. B. L. de, MendesV. R., OliveiraA. S. da S. S., & MartinsM. do C. de C. e. (2021). Vitamin E: role in modulating the immune system and covid-19. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(9), e8640.
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