Population health care in a School Unit: experience report

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Denise Maria Woranovicz Carvalho
Sandra Mara Woranovicz Barreira


Objective: To describe the project activities that aims the population´s health by teaching-community integration in a health promotion School Unit of a public university in southern Brazil. Experience report: Faced with challenges related to health promotion, there was a need for greater awareness of prevention in order to achieve a society with healthy lifestyle habits. The health promotion School Unit is a place that, among other health-related activities, offers presential and online lectures that educate, guide and impact countless participants from the community inside and outside the university. Final considerations: The teaching-community integration has brought great benefits by offering special attention to people who attend the lectures. The transformation is evident with the participation of countless people in the lectures offered. The training obtained by scholarship students and volunteer students are differentiated and makes such students more prepared. This project adds exceptional benefits to the entire community.

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How to Cite
CarvalhoD. M. W., & BarreiraS. M. W. (2021). Population health care in a School Unit: experience report. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(8), e8698. https://doi.org/10.25248/reas.e8698.2021
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