Notifiable diseases according to the form of transmission in a reference hospital in the eastern Amazon of Brazil

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Vanessa Pompeu Baia Miranda
Gabriela de Cássia Oliveira dos Santos
Thais Cristina Borges Farias
Silvia Helena Portilho de Barros
Lourival Rodrigues Marsola
Ariana Santana da Silva
Marcela Emilly da Silva Pereira
Jennifer Karen Ferreira Macena
Danielle Saraiva Tuma dos Reis


Objective: To describe clinical and epidemiological data, the incidence and mortality rate in municipalities of the Pará mesoregions related to Compulsory Notifiable Diseases (CND), year 2018, according to respiratory transmission diseases, infections transmitted by insect vectors, diseases related to contact with water/soil collections and Sexually Transmitted Infections. Methods: Descriptive, retrospective, transversal and quantitative study. Population consisting of compulsory notifications from confirmed users, according to pre-established inclusion criteria. The database of the hospital epidemiological surveillance service where the study took place was used. Results: The highlighted CNDs were Meningitis, Tuberculosis, Visceral Leishmaniasis and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ≥ 13 years, the latter with a predominance in the mortality rate. The male gender prevailed, with notoriety for infants, children and young adults; municipalities in the Northeast of Pará were more numerous and insidious. Conclusion: This study evidenced CNDs with high visibility in the state of Pará, among which those of respiratory transmission. Results regarding the clinical-epidemiological profile were intrinsically related to the epidemiological characteristics of CNDs prevalent in the study, while socio-environmental impacts can justify the notoriety of the state's Northeast mesoregion. The Eastern Amazon urges epidemiological research to guide public health policies in line with the real needs of the Pará population.

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How to Cite
MirandaV. P. B., SantosG. de C. O. dos, FariasT. C. B., BarrosS. H. P. de, MarsolaL. R., SilvaA. S. da, PereiraM. E. da S., MacenaJ. K. F., & ReisD. S. T. dos. (2021). Notifiable diseases according to the form of transmission in a reference hospital in the eastern Amazon of Brazil. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(11), e8931.
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