Nurse’s skills and perceptions over palliative care

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Maria Karoline Sousa Gomes
Érika Verônica Mendes de Oliveira
Államy Danilo Moura e Silva
Juan Victor da Silva


Objective: Analyze the studies available in the literature about the skills and perceptions of nurses facing palliative care. Methods: Integrative review of literature carried out in the Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS - Latin American Literature and the Caribbean in Health Sciences ), Índice Bibliográfico Espanhol de Ciências da Saúde (IBECS - Spanish Bibliographic Index of Health Sciences), Base de Dados da Enfermagem (BDENF-Nursing Database), Biblioteca Virtual da Saúde (VHL - Virtual Health Library), PubMed/MEDLINE, from the National Library of Medicine. Results: The 7 studies that composed this review were held from 2015 to 2020, with the majority in 2020. Regarding approach, most were descriptive exploratory and descriptive studies qualitative. The studies found were carried out in different countries, most of them in the English language. Considerations finals: It was found the importance of nurses skills and perceptions in providing palliative care, showing that nurses play an essential role when it comes to these cares for being on the front lines and having usual contact with these patients. However, it is shown that more studies in this area are necessary, in order to easy these workers access to research, therefore providing quality and assistance of this care and breaking the barriers that still exist.

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How to Cite
GomesM. K. S., Oliveira Érika V. M. de, Silva Államy D. M. e, & SilvaJ. V. da. (2021). Nurse’s skills and perceptions over palliative care. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(11), e9064.
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