The impact of endometriosis on women's physical and mental health

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Camila Caires Brito
Murillo Cursino de Castro Silva
Patricia Lelis Marques
Rodrigo Freitas Parrela
Evelyn Silva Souza
Bruna de Aquino Morais da Silva
Louise Leandro Carneiro
Camila Freitas Barbosa
Victor Uelcio Cangussu de Assis
Eugênia Ferraz Silva


Objective: To understand how endometriosis impacts women's physical and mental health. Review bibliographic: Endometriosis is defined as the presence of endometrial glands and stroma outside the normal site. Clinical manifestations are heterogeneous, which can be asymptomatic to extremely disabling. The disease affects about 15% of women at menacme and 70% of these have chronic pelvic pain. Being frequent pain the main complaint, which can lead to loss of work days and this can negatively influence your career and financially, bringing general damage to the patient's life. Since most women have never heard of the disease before reaching the diagnosis, and from the beginning they already start to experience a series of frustrations and conflicts such as anger, anguish, anxiety and fear. Final considerations: Endometriosis is currently a disease It is very prevalent among women, and it still represents a challenge for gynecologists because it is a little known disease and most of the times it presents a delay in diagnosis. This lack of information is one of the main complaints of patients with this pathology.

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How to Cite
BritoC. C., SilvaM. C. de C., MarquesP. L., ParrelaR. F., SouzaE. S., SilvaB. de A. M. da, CarneiroL. L., BarbosaC. F., AssisV. U. C. de, & SilvaE. F. (2021). The impact of endometriosis on women’s physical and mental health. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(11), e9191.
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