Comparison between daily and weekly vitamin D replacement for pregnant women

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Aline Barros Guimarães
Ayodelê Bizzotto Gontijo Pires da Silva
Emily Botelho Nunes
Beatriz Ribas de Oliveira
Heitor Guimarães Ascendino
Júlia Camargos Silva
Juliana Barroso Zimmermmann


Objective: The purpose of this study is to compare the effect of vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy with daily and weekly dosages during pregnancy. Methods: 131 patients attended by the Obstetrics Service were studied, and the vitamin D3 was measured in the three gestational trimesters. Supplementation was performed at serum levels below 30 ng/ml, and patients were divided into two groups: daily supplementation with 2000 U/d and weekly supplementation with 7000 U to 14,000 U, according to service availability. It was considered p<0.05. Results: On average, patients started prenatal care at 10.4 ± 5.83 weeks and ended prenatal care at a mean of 37.5 ± 432 weeks. The average weight gain was 8.92 kilos. Vitamin D was measured in every trimester. The mean in the trimesters was 28.6 ± 18.7 (first), 44.6 ± 17.6 (second) and 42.2 ± 26.6 ng/ml in the third trimester. There was no difference between supplementation regimens, as both were able to increase serum vitamin D3 levels. Conclusion: Serum vitamin D3 levels can be increased in pregnant women with daily or weekly supplementation.

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How to Cite
GuimarãesA. B., SilvaA. B. G. P. da, NunesE. B., OliveiraB. R. de, AscendinoH. G., SilvaJ. C., & ZimmermmannJ. B. (2021). Comparison between daily and weekly vitamin D replacement for pregnant women. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 13(12), e9421.
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