The importance of hospital cleaning for the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections

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Ediléia de Jesus Sousa Barros
Suelen Suzy Gomes Baptista
Alexsanderson de Souza Passos
Jackeline Oliveira de Araujo
Marcela Fernandes de Lima
Rafaela Larissa Tavares do Vale
Kathleen Kaliandra Lima Braga
Regina Oliveira Magalhães
Thalita Gomes do Carmo


Objective: To understand the importance of hospital cleaning for the prevention of Health Care-Related Infections. Methods: The research presented in this work is an integrative review with descriptive and exploratory characteristics of published studies on the prevention of HAI, the search was carried out through literature available in databases on the internet, namely: Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), Latin American and Caribbean Center for Health Science Information (LILACS), Google Scholar search engine and CAPES Periodicals. Results: Through the descriptors, a total of 127 articles were found in the proposed databases. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, 12 articles were selected. Final considerations: It is not enough just to clean the hospital environment for the prevention of HAI, it is also important and necessary that every professional who works in a hospital environment has awareness, therefore, the nurse must guide the team about hospital hygiene and pay attention to it. if the asepsis of the hospitalized patient, as this becomes a susceptible host.

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How to Cite
BarrosE. de J. S., BaptistaS. S. G., PassosA. de S., AraujoJ. O. de, LimaM. F. de, ValeR. L. T. do, BragaK. K. L., MagalhãesR. O., & CarmoT. G. do. (2022). The importance of hospital cleaning for the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 15(8), e9643.
Revisão Bibliográfica


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