Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS mortality in Brazil between 2016 and 2021: an integrative review

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Lidilana de Castro
Analice Santos Luz
Talitieli Vicente de Sousa
Thayson Silva Pinheiro
Francisco Edivan Vieira Gomes
Samia Regina Rodrigues Sousa
Luis Flávio Mendes Saraiva
Emanuele Ribeiro Ramos


Objective: To analyze the standard/mortality rate in HIV-positive patients in Brazil, from 2016 to 2021. Methods: Research was conducted in four databases (MEDLINE, LILACS, Embase and Scopus), and relevant studies were selected for the theme. Results: It was found that mortality from HIV/AIDS is mostly related to a second infection, such as tuberculosis and histoplasmosis, in addition to the association with non-adherence to HAART. In addition, there was a higher prevalence of deaths among male adults, among black and brown people, people with low schooling and residents of the North and Northeast regions. Final considerations: Given this context, this study may be useful for better planning of public policies aimed at people living with HIV/AIDS, contributing also to the knowledge of health professionals and academics about the epidemiological pattern of mortality due to this condition, so that there is a reduction in mortality from HIV/AIDS in Brazil and an improvement in the quality of life of these people.

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How to Cite
CastroL. de, LuzA. S., SousaT. V. de, PinheiroT. S., GomesF. E. V., SousaS. R. R., SaraivaL. F. M., & RamosE. R. (2022). Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS mortality in Brazil between 2016 and 2021: an integrative review. Electronic Journal Collection Health, 15(9), e9980. https://doi.org/10.25248/reas.e9980.2022
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